BGMM is a company founded in August 2014. The company is providing Group loans in Myanmar. In remote areas
BGMM is providing financial solutions to groups of 5 people,
mutually responsible during all the credit term
BGMM uses Weekly collection method, and provides customer training program on diverse subjects:
effective management of business, financial management or general training program

5 Key Values of BGMM Microfinance

  • Standardize product for all
  • Life enhancement
  • Customer training
  • Sustainable development
  • Weekly meetings for optimal communication

BGMM, is providing a standardized microfinance product especially designed for Burmese people:

  • 1 year loans
  • Weekly collection method
  • Providing weekly training
  • Provide careful supervision of customer before and after disbursement loan
  • Using credit and saving units to manage credit collection and training sessions
  • Advance IT system

Training programs at CSU to help and enhance peoples’ life

Apart from what we are doing under customer trainings, we realized that providing an extra attention to CSU leaders would be more beneficial for customers and healthy existence of each and every CSU.

Therefore, particular training programs are being arranged for CSU leaders timely by lecturing vital topics such as women empowerment, positive thinking and leadership skills  through professional trainers.

Glad to announce that after training sessions most of CSU leaders are actively contributing to encourage CSU members by sharing what they learnt so it has become a notable fact to  boost poor attendance of some CSUs.